
Lapo Simeoni

Lapo Simeoni

1979 -

Lapo Simeoni (1979) is a graduate of Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London. He currently lives and works in Berlin.

Through the use of recycled materials, furniture, collages, paintings, photography, books and objects, he reconstructs narratives around the relationship between man and consumerism, thanks to an extensive process of transforming each material and changing its original function. The artist works with images of the past and present, including photographs of monuments, in addition to logos and symbols from old magazines, contemporary advertising and ancient artefacts or forgotten household objects. Simeoni also alters images and objects assembling and deconstructing them, in order to develop a new vision of time and social transformation entirely ascribable to the contemporary.


Today everything is based on commerce and this bubble is going to implode. I don’t have anything against images. I’m just trying to make this mechanism evident by focusing more attention on the strategy than on the image itself.



  • Diorama / Napoli, Itragallery, Naples (2018);
  • Forever Never Comes, Archaeological and Art Museum of Maremma (Grosseto, Italy) (2017);
  • Bonelli Lab Gallery, Canneto sull'Oglio Mantova (2017); 
  • Biennale de La Biche, Guadalupe island (2016);
  • Albornoz Museum, Narni; Reggia di Caserta (2016); 
  • Bocs Art, Cosenza (2015); 
  • The Gras Grows, Basel; The Format Gallery, Milan (2014); 
  • Kunstverein Kreis Gutersloh (Germany) (2013); 
  • De Krabbedans exposities, kunstinstuitleen, Eindhoven (Holland) (2012);
  • Giovanni Fattori Civic Museum, Livorno (2012); 
  • Art Channel Gallery Beijing (China) (2008).

3rd Floor
43 Grosvenor Street
W1K 3HL, London


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