
Diego Miguel Mirabella

Diego Miguel Mirabella

1988 -

Diego Miguel Mirabella (1988) was born in Enna, Italy.

Diego is currently based in Palermo and Rome, Italy. He is a graduate of Fine Art from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome. He is also the co-founder of Limone Space in London. His work is based on a study of poetry and language, translating these into visual objects. His natural restlessness brings him to realise a heterogeneous body of works, which he organises into diverse projects. In his artworks, objects, sentences, drawings and images are constantly fluctuating between being hidden and revealed, creating as he says, “the necessary incidents to build a poem”. In many of his projects, Diego uses other people's cultures, imagination and practices to push the borders of communication between him and them, creating artworks out of this conflict. 


I make use of other people’s cultures, imaginations and practices, in order to push the orders of communication between me and them, creating artworks out of this conflict.




  • Salvo me, Rome (2018);
  • La bocca arsa, l'Ascensore, Palermo (2018);
  • Prix mediatine, Mediatine, Bruxelles (2018);
  • Spectrum, Limone space, London (2018);
  • I shot mercury to make this exhibition, Nir Altman Gallery, Munich (2018);
  • Radieuse, Italian institute of culture in Bruxelles (2017);
  • Bodikon, Belmacz Gallery, London (2016);
  • You are invited. Content-curation/Spambot Aesthetics, Chalton Gallery, London (2016); The Habit of a Foreign Sky, FuturDome, Milan (2016);
  • Museo delle Palme, Orto botanico, Palermo (2015);
  • Trincee- lIl mondo in famme e la morte, Galleria La Nuova Pesa, Rome (2015);
  • 10 years 60 th drawings, Fondazione pastificio cerere, Rome (2015);
  • MilanoRomaTorinoPalermo, Studi, Milano (2015);
  • Andiamo là, L'a project, Palermo (2014);
  • The grass grow, Basel (2014);
  • Art is real, Piazza Pasquino 69, Rome (2014);
  • Il peso della mia luce, Operativa artecontemporanea, Rome (2013);
  • Ortica, ex mattatoio, Rome (2013);
  • In ognuno di noi, Temple university, Rome (2012).

3rd Floor
43 Grosvenor Street
W1K 3HL, London


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